Movember is BIG this year! Just today on my way to work I saw so many guys sporting nice big handlebar moustaches.  I am also taking part in Movember along with thousands of other Aussie guys to raise money for male depression and prostate cancer.  And all I need to do is grow a nice moustache throughout November.  It’s a good cause and a lot of fun too!  There’s not enough men in Melbourne sporting furry faces.  I plan on growing a nice big moustache from here to arsehole!  (I think I just stole my sister’s saying).  If you would like to help me raise money just click here:®o=166556 and enter my registration number 166556.
 The money raised by Movember is donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue – the national depression initiative, which will use the funds to create awareness, fund research and increase support networks for those men who suffer from prostate cancer and male depression.