This Week In The Loft

Thanks a lot!

I got an alarming email from my web host last night saying that I had almost reached my bandwith limit.   And when I checked it seems that my 4GB site has been downloaded like crazy over the past 3 days.   And only being the 9th day of the month this means the site will disappear soon unless they let me buy more bandwith.   Immediately I went and checked the stats and found that one password had used 87 gigabyte in 2 days!   I have the guy’s name, email address and home address  (it’s amazing what you can find on the internet).   Needless to say that he won’t be logging in again.   The only way this could have happened would be if he shared the password with some public group….  and they all logged in for free.  I have no idea how many different IPs used the password, I’m just glad my host warned me at the 80% bandwith level.

I won’t tell you who the guy is but I can tell you the culprit country….

1 reply on “Thanks a lot!”

Wow Phillip, that’s some amazing stats. I must say I am hooked on bringing up your site a few times a day, in hope of catching a glance of your sweet face and hot body. It seems that you are quite popular in the U.S. All I know is that I’m hooked on you two guys a lot. And all the silly things along with the informative things you do and the interesting guests, just keeps me coming back to see more. You are special & don’t let anyone tell you different.

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