This Week In The Loft

Licence Test Day

I pumped myself full of cold and flu pills this morning and headed out to the Calder Park Raceway to do my motorbike licence test with my friend Dart.    I was surprised at how easy it was to ride and get my learners permit almost a year ago, but I was even more surprised today at how easy it was to get my licence….   even with not have had any riding experience over the past year.   The test was actually fun.  We were the last to arrive at the track so we ended up on the little Jolie 50cc scooters.   They were really weird to ride.  And the guys from the Rider Brothers school were pretty funny as usual.  I would fully recommend them to anyone wanting to get a bike licence or do some advanced riding skills courses.
And here is Dart posing by his new Hyundai Tucson on the way home from the track this afternoon.   We are going to go scooter shopping again soon.

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