This Week In The Loft

Happiest Gay Couple

I’ve spent a lot of time at home the past few days while I’ve been trying to shake a cold.   And I’ve been watching a whole lot of telly.   Annoyingly I am into a whole lot of TV shows at the moment rather than obsessing over one series.   Over the weekend I watched all of series 1 of Lipstick Jungle.   I really liked it.  And now I’m wondering if there was a series 2.
But the real stand out was “Rick and Steve”, the happiest gay couple in the world.  It’s really quite funny…  maybe a little politically incorrect…   but very funny.   Chris pointed it out to me while we were in the US and last night I found it on Torrents.   You really should check it out.  I see that they have done 2 series of it already.   The Desperate Housewives “baby pheatus” in the cookie jar was very funny…  but so wrong.

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