After months of watching series after series of the Sopranos I finally finished the last episode of the final season (season six) back in January. Â The ending was a little strange, but it was finally over.
Then! a couple of weeks ago when I was in JB HiFi in Sydney I saw something odd on the shelves. There were 2 series sixes. Each packaged a little differently.  The one I had not seen before was called… THE FINAL EPISODES!!!!
What is this??? Â Some plot to make people buy an extra series without actually making one??
It’s true… they made another 9 episodes and put it into a series called Season Six… the Final Episodes.  So in protest I downloaded it from the internet, even though I would have liked the Bada Bing that was packaged with the surprise series. Well didn’t things get stirred up in the last few episodes!  Shootings, suffocation, decapitation, and poor Uncle Junior going mad all alone.  Boy I enjoyed the Sopranos.  I did not like the (real) ending one little bit. But I don’t think there could have been any good ending to that story.  “What are you gonna do?”