I’ve just finished watching Airport 75 courtesy of Bigpond movies (with DVD scratches of course).  I’m now hooked on the Airport movies.  77 was pretty good… but you must watch 75.  “The stewardess is flying the plane!”   That’s right… after a smaller plane runs into the cockpit of Columbia 409 both the co-pilot and Erik Estrada are sucked out the hole and the pilot was glassed in the eyes…. leaving Karen Black to fly the plane!  But strangely… she decided to go back and comfort the flight crew first.   But it’s not long before Charlton Heston and his big yellow teeth arrive in a helicopter to save the day. Â
Airport 75 was obviously low budget.  The painted black spot on the side of the plane wasn’t fooling anyone.  But the emotion on Heston’s face and the overacting in the back of the plane was enough to keep us all distracted.  Of course the plane was packed with Hare Krishnas, nuns, alcoholics, a stowed away dog and a little girl needing an urgent kidney transplant.  Â
This is a must see from the 70’s Airport series…  I read it’s the funniest of the lot too.
Does anyone know how to make screen captures from Windows Media Player or VLC player? Snagit and Ctrl-PrintScn doesn’t seem to work.