Last night I go home just in time to see Zach win the title of Friday Night Games Champion for the year.  I don’t think he actually won the games night before last night.  So Big Brother 07 wraps up on Monday night with the announcement of the winner.  I’m really hoping now that it is Zach.  If the vote was on who entertained us the most… it would go to Zach.  The last gay man to leave the house.
Without realising it he may have planted the seed over a week ago when he was asked who should win Big Brother out of the remaining housemates.  He said Aleisha.  He was genuinely starstruck by Aleisha when he entered the house as an intruder half way through the series.  He freely showed that he had a crush in resident spunk Billy, and was rivelled all of them when it came to hamming it up in the house.  But it was what he said that was important when he said Aleisha should win.  We have already celebrated the alpha male enough in Australia….  it’s time for someone different to win.  I think that someone is Zach.
I actually teared up when his mate (also Zach) appeared in Friday night games.  Zach’s prize for winning the games was to spend 1 minute with his mate Zach. But it was really our prize for watching….  the minute’s awkwardness was priceless….  surrounded by several cameras they bumbled through not knowing what they could say.  It reminded me of when gay farmer David run out onto the ramp at his eviction to find his boyfriend, and the music swept up with “Summer Rain”….  it’s VERY good TV.
If you do suffer post-BB07 depression I suggestion you check out these two sites for the podcast commentary that has been posted all through this series. There are VERY interesting interviews with the housemates as they left the house and interviews with past directors of Big Brother.  It’s been a fun year!